The most straightforward way to view the description of a PostgreSQL table is the \d command. For example, this lets you display an account_list table:
\d account_list
Unfortunately, this shows you the table, indexes, and foreign key constraints. Often, you only want to see the list of columns in positional order. So, I wrote a little function to let me display only the table and columns.
There are a few techniques in the script that might seem new to some developers. For example, the data types of the return parameter values of a function that returns values from the data dictionary are specific to types used by the data dictionary. These specialized types are required because the SQL cursor gathers the information from the data dictionary in the information_schema, and most of these types can’t be cast as variable length strings.
A simple assumption that the data dictionary strings would implicitly cast to variable length strings is incorrect. That’s because while you can query them like VARCHAR variables they don’t cast to variable length string. If you wrote a wrapper function that returned VARCHAR variables, you would probably get a result like this when you call your function:
ERROR: structure of query does not match function result type
DETAIL: Returned type information_schema.sql_identifier does not match expected type character varying in column 1.
The “character varying” is another name for a VARCHAR data type. Some notes will advise you to fix this type of error by using the column name and a %TYPE. The %TYPE anchors the data type in the function’s parameter list to the actual data type of the data dictionary’s table. You would implement that suggestion with code like:
RETURNS TABLE ( table_schema information_schema.columns.table_schema%TYPE
, table_name information_schema.columns.table_name%TYPE
, ordinal_position information_schema.columns.ordinal_position%TYPE
, column_name information_schema.columns.column_name%TYPE
, data_type information_schema.columns.data_type%TYPE
, is_nullable information_schema.columns.is_nullable%TYPE ) AS
Unfortunately, your function would raise a NOTICE for every dynamically anchored column at runtime. The NOTICE messages would appear as follows for the describe_table function with anchored parameter values:
psql:describe_table.sql:34: NOTICE: type reference information_schema.columns.table_schema%TYPE converted to information_schema.sql_identifier
psql:describe_table.sql:35: NOTICE: type reference information_schema.columns.table_name%TYPE converted to information_schema.sql_identifier
psql:describe_table.sql:36: NOTICE: type reference information_schema.columns.ordinal_position%TYPE converted to information_schema.cardinal_number
psql:describe_table.sql:37: NOTICE: type reference information_schema.columns.column_name%TYPE converted to information_schema.sql_identifier
psql:describe_table.sql:38: NOTICE: type reference information_schema.columns.data_type%TYPE converted to information_schema.character_data
psql:describe_table.sql:39: NOTICE: type reference information_schema.columns.is_nullable%TYPE converted to information_schema.yes_or_no
As a rule, there’s a better solution when you know how to discover the underlying data types. You can discover the required data types with the following query of the pg_attribute table in the information_schema:
SELECT attname
, atttypid::regtype
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = 'information_schema.columns'::regclass
AND attname IN ('table_schema','table_name','ordinal_position','column_name','data_type','is_nullable')
ORDER BY attnum;
It returns:
attname | atttypid
table_schema | information_schema.sql_identifier
table_name | information_schema.sql_identifier
ordinal_position | information_schema.cardinal_number
column_name | information_schema.sql_identifier
is_nullable | information_schema.yes_or_no
data_type | information_schema.character_data
(6 rows)
Only the character_data type can be replaced with a VARCHAR data type, the others should be typed as shown above. Here’s the modified describe_table function.
FUNCTION describe_table (table_name_in VARCHAR)
RETURNS TABLE ( table_schema information_schema.sql_identifier
, table_name information_schema.sql_identifier
, ordinal_position information_schema.cardinal_number
, column_name information_schema.sql_identifier
, data_type VARCHAR
, is_nullable information_schema.yes_or_no ) AS
SELECT c.table_schema
, c.table_name
, c.ordinal_position
, c.column_name
WHEN c.character_maximum_length IS NOT NULL
THEN CONCAT(c.data_type, '(', c.character_maximum_length, ')')
WHEN c.data_type NOT IN ('date','timestamp','timestamp with time zone')
THEN CONCAT(c.data_type, '(', numeric_precision::text, ')')
ELSE c.data_type
END AS modified_type
, c.is_nullable
FROM information_schema.columns c
WHERE c.table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog')
AND c.table_name = table_name_in
ORDER BY c.table_schema
, c.table_name
, c.ordinal_position;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
If you’re new to PL/pgSQL table functions, you can check my basic tutorial on table functions. You call the describe_table table function with the following syntax:
SELECT * FROM describe_table('account_list');
It returns:
table_schema | table_name | ordinal_position | column_name | data_type | is_nullable
public | account_list | 1 | account_list_id | integer(32) | NO
public | account_list | 2 | account_number | character varying(10) | NO
public | account_list | 3 | consumed_date | date | YES
public | account_list | 4 | consumed_by | integer(32) | YES
public | account_list | 5 | created_by | integer(32) | NO
public | account_list | 6 | creation_date | timestamp with time zone | NO
public | account_list | 7 | last_updated_by | integer(32) | NO
public | account_list | 8 | last_update_date | timestamp with time zone | NO
(8 rows)
As always, I hope this helps those looking for a solution to functions that wrap the data dictionary and display table data from the PostgreSQL data dictionary.