Channel: PostgreSQL – MacLochlainns Weblog
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This post explains and demonstrates how to install, configure, and use the psqlODBC (32-bit) and psqlODBC (64-bit) libraries to connect your Microsoft PowerShell programs to a locally installed PostgreSQL 14 database. It relies on you previously installing and configuring a PostgreSQL 14 database. This post is a step-by-step guide to installing PostgreSQL 14 on Windows 10, and this post shows you how to configure the PostgreSQL 14 database.

If you didn’t follow the instructions to get the psqlODBC libraries in the installation blog post, you will need to get those libraries, as qualified by Microsoft with the PostgreSQL Stack Builder.

You can launch PostgreSQL Stack Builder after the install by clicking on Start -> PostgreSQL -> Stack Builder. Choose to enable Stack Builder to change your system and install the psqlODBC libraries. After you’ve installed the psqlODBC library, use Windows search field to find the ODBC Data Sources dialog and run it as administrator.

There are six steps to setup, test, and save your ODBC Data Source Name (DSN). You can click on the images on the right to launch them in a more readable format or simply read the instructions.

PostgreSQL ODBC Setup Steps

  1. The Microsoft DSN (Data Source Name) dialog automatically elects the User DSN tab. Click on the System DSN tab.

  1. The view under the System DSN is exactly like the User DSN tab. Click the Add button to start the workflow.

  1. The Create New Data Source dialog requires you select the PostgreSQL ODBC Driver(UNICODE) option from the list and click the Finish button to proceed.

  1. The PostgreSQL Unicode ODBC Driver Setup dialog should complete the prompts as follows below and consistent with the PostgreSQL 14 Configuration blog. If you opt for localhost as the server value because you have a DCHP IP address, make sure you’ve configured your hosts file in the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc directory. You should enter the following two lines in the hosts file:  localhost
    ::1        localhost

    These are the string values you should enter in the PostgreSQL Unicode ODBC Driver Setup dialog:

    Data Source: PostgreSQL35W
    Database:    videodb
    Server:      localhost
    User Name:   student
    Description: PostgreSQL
    SSL Mode:    disable
    Port:        5432
    Password:    student

    After you complete the entry, click the Test button.

  1. The Connection Test dialog should return a “Connection successful” message. Click the OK button to continue.

  1. The ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog should show the PostgreSQL35W System Data Source. Click the OK button to continue.

After you have created the System PostgreSQL ODBC Setup, it’s time to build a PowerShell Cmdlet (or, Commandlet). Some documentation and blog notes incorrectly suggest you need to write a connection string with a UID and password, like:

$ConnectionString = 'DSN=PostgreSQL35W;Uid=student;Pwd=student'

The UID and password is unnecessary in the connection string. As a rule, the UID and password are only necessary in the ODBC DSN, like:

$ConnectionString = 'DSN=PostgreSQL35W'

You can create a readcursor.ps1 Cmdlet like the following:

# Define a ODBC DSN connection string.
$ConnectionString = 'DSN=PostgreSQL35W'
# Define a MySQL Command Object for a non-query.
$Connection = New-Object System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection;
$Connection.ConnectionString = $ConnectionString

# Attempt connection.
try {

  # Create a SQL command.
  $Command = $Connection.CreateCommand();
  $Command.CommandText = "SELECT current_database();";

  # Attempt to read SQL command.
  try {
    $Reader = $Command.ExecuteReader();

    # Read while records are found.
    while ($Reader.Read()) {
      Write-Host "Current Database [" $Reader[0] "]"}
  } catch {
    Write-Host "Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    Write-Host "StackTrace: $($_.Exception.StackTrace)"
    Write-Host "LoaderExceptions: $($_.Exception.LoaderExceptions)"
  } finally {
    # Close the reader.
    $Reader.Close() }

} catch {
  Write-Host "Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
  Write-Host "StackTrace: $($_.Exception.StackTrace)"
  Write-Host "LoaderExceptions: $($_.Exception.LoaderExceptions)"
} finally {
  $Connection.Close() }

Line 14 assigns a SQL query that returns a single row with one column as the CommandText of a Command object. Line 22 reads the zero position of a row or record set with only one column.

You call the readcursor.ps1 Cmdlet with the following syntax:

powershell .\readcursor.ps1

It returns:

Current Database [ videodb ]

A more realistic way to write a query would return multiple rows with a set of two or more columns. The following program queries a table with multiple rows of two columns, but the program logic can manage any number of columns.

# Define a ODBC DSN connection string.
$ConnectionString = 'DSN=PostgreSQL35W'
# Define a MySQL Command Object for a non-query.
$Connection = New-Object System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection;
$Connection.ConnectionString = $ConnectionString

# Attempt connection.
try {

  # Create a SQL command.
  $Command = $Connection.CreateCommand();
  $Command.CommandText = "SELECT last_name, first_name FROM contact ORDER BY 1, 2";

  # Attempt to read SQL command.
  try {
    $row = $Command.ExecuteReader();

    # Read while records are found.
    while ($row.Read()) {
      # Initialize output for each row.
      $output = ""
      # Navigate across all columns (only two in this example).
      for ($column = 0; $column -lt $row.FieldCount; $column += 1) {
        # Mechanic for comma-delimit between last and first name.  
        if ($output.length -eq 0) { 
          $output += $row[$column] }
        else {
          $output += ", " + $row[$column] }
        # Write the output from the database.
        Write-Host $output

  } catch {
    Write-Host "Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    Write-Host "StackTrace: $($_.Exception.StackTrace)"
    Write-Host "LoaderExceptions: $($_.Exception.LoaderExceptions)"
  } finally {
    # Close the reader.
    $row.Close() }

} catch {
  Write-Host "Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
  Write-Host "StackTrace: $($_.Exception.StackTrace)"
  Write-Host "LoaderExceptions: $($_.Exception.LoaderExceptions)"
} finally {
  $Connection.Close() }

You call the readcontact.ps1 Cmdlet with the following syntax:

powershell .\readcontact.ps1

It returns an ordered set of comma-separated values, like

Clinton, Goeffrey
Gretelz, Simon
Moss, Wendy
Royal, Elizabeth
Smith, Brian
Sweeney, Ian
Sweeney, Matthew
Sweeney, Meaghan
Vizquel, Doreen
Vizquel, Oscar
Winn, Brian
Winn, Randi

As always, I hope this helps those looking for a complete concrete example of how to make Microsoft Powershell connect and query results from a PostgreSQL database.

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