There are many nuances that I show students about PL/pgSQL because first I teach them how to use PL/SQL. These are some of the differences:
- PL/SQL declares the function or procedure and then uses the IS keyword; whereas, PL/pgSQL uses the AS keyword.
- PL/SQL uses the RETURN keyword for functions declarations, like:
RETURN [data_type} IS
Whereas, PL/pgSQL uses the plural RETURNS keyword in the function declaration, like:
RETURNS [data_type] AS
- PL/SQL considers everything after the function or procedure header as the implicit declaration section; whereas, PL/pgSQL requires you block the code with something like $$ (double dollar symbols) and explicitly use the DECLARE keyword.
- PL/SQL supports local functions (inside the DECLARE block of a function or procedure); whereas, PL/pgSQL doesn’t.
- PL/SQL puts the variable modes (IN, INOUT, OUT) between the parameter name and type; whereas, PL/pgSQL puts them before the variable name.
- PL/SQL declares cursors like:
CURSOR cursor_name (parameter_list) IS
Whereas, PL/pgSQL declares them like
cursor_name CURSOR (parameter_list) FOR
- PL/SQL terminates and runs the block by using an END keyword, an optional module name, a semicolon to terminate the END; statement, and a forward slash to dispatch the program to PL/SQL statement engine:
END [module_name]; /
Whereas, PL/pgSQL terminates and runs the block by using an END keyword, a semicolon to terminate the END; statement, two dollar signs to end the PL/pgSQL block, and a semicolon to dispatch the program.
END LANGUAGE plpgsql; $$;
After all that basic syntax discussion, we try to create a sample set of tables, a function, a procedure, and a test case in PL/pgSQL. They’ve already done a virtually equivalent set of tasks in PL/SQL.
Here are the steps:
- Create the grandma and tweetie_bird tables:
/* Conditionally drop grandma table and grandma_s sequence. */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS grandma CASCADE; /* Create the table. */ CREATE TABLE GRANDMA ( grandma_id SERIAL , grandma_house VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (grandma_id) ); /* Conditionally drop a table and sequence. */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tweetie_bird CASCADE; /* Create the table with primary and foreign key out-of-line constraints. */ SELECT 'CREATE TABLE tweetie_bird' AS command; CREATE TABLE TWEETIE_BIRD ( tweetie_bird_id SERIAL , tweetie_bird_house VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL , grandma_id INTEGER NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (tweetie_bird_id) , CONSTRAINT tweetie_bird_fk FOREIGN KEY (grandma_id) REFERENCES grandma (grandma_id) );
- Create a get_grandma_id function that returns a number, which should be a valid primary key value from the grandma_id column of the grandma table.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_grandma_id ( IN pv_grandma_house VARCHAR ) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ /* Required for PL/pgSQL programs. */ DECLARE /* Local return variable. */ lv_retval INTEGER := 0; -- Default value is 0. /* Use a cursor, which will not raise an exception at runtime. */ find_grandma_id CURSOR ( cv_grandma_house VARCHAR ) FOR SELECT grandma_id FROM grandma WHERE grandma_house = cv_grandma_house; BEGIN /* Assign a value when a row exists. */ FOR i IN find_grandma_id(pv_grandma_house) LOOP lv_retval := i.grandma_id; END LOOP; /* Return 0 when no row found and the ID # when row found. */ RETURN lv_retval; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
- Create a Warner_brother procedure that writes data across two tables as a transaction. You con’t include any of the following in your functions or procedures because all PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL functions and procedures are transaction by default:
A ROLLBACK should be placed in your exception handler as qualified on lines #33 thru #36. The warner_brother procedure inserts rows into the grandma and tweetie_bird tables.
/* Create or replace procedure warner_brother. */ CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE warner_brother ( pv_grandma_house VARCHAR , pv_tweetie_bird_house VARCHAR ) AS $$ /* Required for PL/pgSQL programs. */ DECLARE /* Declare a local variable for an existing grandma_id. */ lv_grandma_id INTEGER; BEGIN /* Check for existing grandma row. */ lv_grandma_id := get_grandma_id(pv_grandma_house); IF lv_grandma_id = 0 THEN /* Insert grandma. */ INSERT INTO grandma ( grandma_house ) VALUES ( pv_grandma_house ) RETURNING grandma_id INTO lv_grandma_id; END IF; /* Insert tweetie bird. */ INSERT INTO tweetie_bird ( tweetie_bird_house , grandma_id ) VALUES ( pv_tweetie_bird_house , lv_grandma_id ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; RAISE NOTICE '[%] [%]', SQLERRM, SQLSTATE; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
You should take note of the RETURNING-INTO statement on line #22. The alternative to this clause isn’t pretty if you know that PostgreSQL uses a table name, column name, and the literal seq value separated by underscores, like:
/* Assign current value to local variable. */ lv_grandma_id := CURRVAL('grandma_grandma_id_seq');
It would be even uglier if you had to look up the sequence name, like:
/* Assign current value to local variable. */ lv_grandma_id := CURRVAL(pg_get_serial_sequence('grandma','grandma_id'));
- You can test the combination of these two stored procedures with the following DO-block:
/* Test the warner_brother procedure. */ DO $$ BEGIN /* Insert the yellow house. */ CALL warner_brother( 'Yellow House', 'Cage'); CALL warner_brother( 'Yellow House', 'Tree House'); /* Insert the red house. */ CALL warner_brother( 'Red House', 'Cage'); CALL warner_brother( 'Red House', 'Tree House'); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Then, query the results:
SELECT * FROM grandma g INNER JOIN tweetie_bird tb ON. g.grandma_id = tb.grandma_id;
It should return:
grandma_id | grandma_house | tweetie_bird_id | tweetie_bird_house | grandma_id ------------+---------------+-----------------+--------------------+------------ 1 | Red House | 1 | Cage | 1 1 | Red House | 2 | Tree House | 1 2 | Yellow House | 3 | Cage | 2 2 | Yellow House | 4 | Tree House | 2 (4 rows)
As always, I hope writing a clear and simple examples helps those looking for sample code.