Channel: PostgreSQL – MacLochlainns Weblog
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Ruby+PostgreSQL on Ubuntu


This extends the earlier post on installing and configuring Ruby 3.3.0 on Ubuntu 22.0.4. Please refer to that earlier post to install Ruby. This post shows you how to install the necessary libraries and Ruby Gems for PostgreSQL.

You need to install the libra-dev package, as shown:

sudo apt install postgresql libpq-dev

Next, you need to install the PG Gem:

gem install pg

You can now write a postgres_version.rb program to verify a connection to the PostgreSQL database, like:

# Include Ruby Gem libraries.
require 'rubygems'
require 'pg'
# Begin block.
  # Create a new connection resource.
  db = PG::connect( 'localhost', 5432, '', '', 'videodb', 'student', 'student')
  # Create a result set.
  stmt = db.query('SELECT version() AS version')

  # Read through the result set hash.
  stmt.each do | row |
    puts "#{row['version']}"
  # Release the result set resources.

rescue PG::Error => e
  # Print the error.
  puts "ERROR #{e.error} (#{e.sqlstate})"
  puts "Can't connect to the PostgreSQL database specified."
  # Signal an error.
  exit 1

  # Close the connection when it is open.
  db.close if db

Call the postgres_version.rb program with this syntax:

ruby mysql_version.rb

It should return:

PostgreSQL 14.10 (Ubuntu 14.10-0ubuntu0.22.04.1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0, 64-bit

The postgres_columns.rb script returns a couple columns concatenated into a single column:

# Include Ruby Gem libraries.
require 'rubygems'
require 'pg'
# Begin block.
  # Create a new connection resource.
  db = PG::connect( 'localhost', 5432, '', '', 'videodb', 'student', 'student')
  # Create a result set.
  stmt = db.query("SELECT   CONCAT(nh.last_name, ', ', nh.first_name) AS name " + \
                  "FROM     new_hire nh " +                                       \
                  "ORDER BY nh.last_name")

  # Read through the result set hash.
  stmt.each do | row |
    out = ""
    i = 0
    while i < stmt.fields.count()
      # Check when not last column and use the:
      #   - Hash returned by the result set for the value, and
      #   - String array value returned by the statement object
      #     as the name value of the hash by leveraging its 
      #     numeric index.
      if i < stmt.fields.count() - 1
        out += "#{row[stmt.fields[i]]}"
        out += ", "
        out += "#{row[stmt.fields[i]]}"
      i += 1
    puts "#{out}"

  # Release the result set resources.

rescue PG::Error => e
  # Print the error.
  puts "ERROR #{e.error} (#{e.sqlstate})"
  puts "Can't connect to PostgreSQL database specified."
  # Signal an error.
  exit 1

  # Close the connection when it is open.
  db.close if db

Call the postgres_columns.rb program with this syntax:

ruby mysql_columns.rb

It should return:

Chabot, Henry
Lewis, Malcolm

As always, I hope this helps those looking to learn and solve a problem. You can find the PG Gem documentation here.

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